Although it may hold wider interest, this website has been created primarily to give those 'Old Boys' and 'Old Girls' of the ILMINSTER GRAMMAR SCHOOLS who have lost touch with their friends; a means of re-establishing contact.

The website has two areas - one each for the 'Old Ilminsterians Association' and for the 'IGGS Old Girls Association'.

The many underlying pages can be accessed by 'clicking' their [underlined blue text] links.

If you have a 'Touch Screen' device all images are expandable. If using a PC you can use the 'Options/zoom' to inrease the detail. Do you have any memories or photos to add ??

This website has been restructured - please report glitches to the Webmaster (click here to e-mail).

After visiting our website you might be interested in that of     'The Heritage of The Ile'  !

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Latest changes to website



Formed in 1932, the Old Ilminsterians Association continues to meet annually, opportuning the company of other Old Boys and acknowledging the entity which contributed so much to their formative years - Ilminster Grammar School.

                          * The 2024 'July' Reunion will be at The Shrubbery - on Saturday 29th June ! ! ! !

                          * You should REPLY to your invitation for The 2024 Reunion - BEFORE Friday 14h June ! ! ! !       - a copy is on the 'Old Boys Main Page'

            * The 2018 AGM decided to change the format of re-unions from: the one annual day event - Service; Lunch; AGM and Dinner,   to: two mid-day annual events.

Click here for :       OLD BOYS MAIN PAGE


Formed in 1940 the Old Girls Association continues to meet bi-annually, opportuning the company of other Old Girls and acknowledging the entity which contributed so much to their formative years - Ilminster Girls Grammar School. (This is a new area of the Website and contributions are welcome.)

                Diary Dates - For 2024, see Old Girls pages *

            * Lunch and AGM in October , Spring Lunch in April , Both will be held at Broadway Village Hall TA19 9RX         - see Old Girls pages

Click here for :       OLD GIRLS MAIN PAGE

Getting in Touch

We especially want to hear from you - Old Ilminsterians - and Members of the Old Girls Association:

    a) if you are already 'a member of the Associations' (i.e. on the mailing list) then please tell us what you think of your web site !

    b) If you are not a member and wish to be added please let us know. We have a very informal buffet lunch and, if you wish, one of us will 'meet and greet you'.

Please make contact - there will be someone you know !

By E-mail :

To:      Old.ilminsterians@btopenworld.com [click here to do so]

This mailbox is only reviewed at monthly intervals - so please be patient if wishing a reply !

To post a short message on the 'forum' page is to send it to the above mailbox !